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How to Start Drawing: Unlock Your Creative Journey with 7 steps

Drawing is super duper fun and awesome! It’s like magic because you can make all your cool ideas come alive on paper! Whether you’re just starting out or want to have fun drawing again, this guide will help you get started with art. Drawing is super duper fun! It’s like going on an awesome adventure where you can show who you are, be super creative, and grow as a person. Yay!

The Essentials of Starting to Draw

Before you start your super fun drawing adventure of how to start drawing, it’s super duper important to understand some really cool basics:

1. Supplies and Materials

Let’s get all the things we need! You’ll need special paper for drawing, lots of different pencils (some light ones and some dark ones), a magic rubber and a super sharpener. If you want to make your drawings super colourful, you can use cool coloured pencils or awesome markers!

2. Observation

Let’s have fun and get better at noticing things around us! Hey there! Let’s have some fun and start looking closely at all the cool things around us. Take a good look at everyday stuff like objects and scenes. Notice their shapes, forms, and all the little details. It’s like a super cool game of spotting hidden treasures! Let’s go on an adventure of observation together! Looking at things really carefully helps us draw things that look real!

3. Practice

Remember, practising is super duper important if you want to get better at something! Don’t worry if things seem hard at first! Even the best artists started out as beginners, just like you!

4. Inspiration

Yay! Let’s talk about inspiration! It’s like when something makes you feel super excited and gives you lots of ideas. Isn’t
Hey there, kiddo! It’s super duper important to look for ideas and get inspired from lots of different places. So, go on an adventure and explore all sorts of things to find your inspiration! Yay! Let’s have fun looking at art books, going to galleries, and seeing what other artists have made! Inspiration can come from anywhere, like, seriously anywhere!

How to Start Drawing

Yay! Let’s jump into the super fun way of starting to draw!

1. Choose Your Subjects

Start by picking things that make you super excited! It could be anything! Like, your most favourite thing ever, a super pretty place, your most special pet, or even something you make up in your head! Let’s begin with things that make your imagination go wild!

2. Basic Shapes

Let’s begin with super simple shapes! When you’re drawing, try using simple shapes like circles, squares, and triangles. It makes things easier! Whether you’re drawing something that’s not moving or something really complicated, breaking it down into simple shapes is super helpful! This helps you make things look just right and in the right shape.

3. Sketch Lightly

Remember to be gentle when you’re drawing! Let’s begin with some nice, light lines that you can easily erase if you make a mistake. Let’s start by drawing the big shapes and forms of your subject!

4. Build Detail Gradually

As you get better at drawing, you can start adding more stuff to make it look super cool! Okay, so when you’re drawing, you want to start with the big stuff first. Like, draw the basic shapes and lines to get the general idea. Then, you can add more details and make it look even cooler! Just take it step by step and have fun!

5. Shading and Depth

Hey there, let’s learn how to make your drawings look super cool with shading! Shading is like adding shadows and darkness to your pictures to make them look more 3D. It’s like magic! So, let’s get started and make your drawings come to life! Look at how the light shines on your picture and use different colours to show the bright parts and the dark parts. This cool trick makes your art look super 3D!

6. Experiment with Materials

Let’s have some fun and play with different things! We can try out all sorts of materials and see what happens. It’s like being a scientist and discovering new things. We can use things like paper, clay,
Hey there, kiddo! Don’t just stick to using pencils, okay? Try using different drawing stuff like charcoal, ink, or pastels. It’s super fun! Every different thing can do different stuff!

7. Learn from Others

Hey there, let’s check out what other artists are up to! Let’s look at how they do things and how they make things look cool! This can give you lots of ideas and show you fun ways to draw!

How to start drawing

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I gotta be super duper talented to start drawing?
Nope, you don’t need to be naturally talented to draw. Even if you think you’re not good at drawing, don’t worry! With lots of practise and never giving up, anyone can learn to draw!

Q: How can I beat the artist’s block?
Sometimes artists get stuck and can’t think of what to create. It’s called artist’s block and it happens to lots of people. To beat it, try cool new things, take fun breaks, and get ideas from other artists or different kinds of art! Sometimes, going to a different place can also make things better!

Q: What happens if I mess up in my drawings?
Mistakes are just a normal part of being super creative! Yay! Embrace them as super fun chances to learn and get even better! Don’t worry, it’s okay to erase or start again if you have to!

Q: Can I learn how to start drawing on the computer?
Yup, there are lots and lots of cool websites, videos, and classes that can teach you how to draw! Lots of artists make videos and guides to teach you how to do art!

Q: Hey there! How much time does it take to become a super awesome artist?
Becoming a really good artist can take different amounts of time for different people. Getting better is super duper fun when you practise a lot! The more you practise and try your best, the faster you’ll get even better!

Q: Should I pick one way to draw?
You can try out lots of different styles, but you don’t have to pick just one right away. As you get better and better, you might start liking a certain way of doing things that feels just right for you.


How to start drawing is super duper fun! It’s a way to show who you are and be really creative. If you think positively, practise a lot, and are excited to learn, you can get better at drawing and make art that shows how you see things in a special way. Don’t forget, the super duper important thing is to have fun and let your imagination go wild!

Yay! Get your sketchbook and your colourful pencils, and let’s go on an amazing art adventure together! Your imagination is like a superpower! It’s the only thing that can stop you from having fun!

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