Sea turtles are super cool creatures that swim through the big blue ocean with so much style and grace! If you’re super excited to learn how to draw a super cool sea turtle and make it look super pretty on paper, you’ve come to the super right place! In this super-duper fun guide, we’re gonna show you how to make an awesome sea turtle drawing! Just follow the steps and you’ll have a really cool picture in no time! Whether you’re a super experienced artist or just starting out, these super-duper instructions will help you become a total pro at drawing sea turtles.
Let’s learn about the body parts of a sea turtle!
Before we start drawing, let’s get to know all about the body parts of a super cool sea turtle! A sea turtle has lots of cool things about it! It has special features that make it unique.
Shell: The shell is like a turtle’s house! It has a top part called the carapace and a bottom part called the plastron. The shell is usually a darker color and can have lots of cool patterns!
The head of a sea turtle is super cool! It’s all smooth and shaped like a rocket ship. And guess what? It has special things on it like eyes to see, nostrils to breathe, and a beak to eat yummy food!
Guess what? Sea turtles have not one, but two pairs of flippers! Isn’t that super cool? The front flippers help the animal swim fast, and the back flippers help it turn.

Tail: The tail of a sea turtle is super duper important for helping it stay balanced and swim around in the water. It’s like their very own underwater superhero cape!
Step 1: Let’s start by making a simple outline!
Okay, let’s start by drawing a super simple outline of the sea turtle’s body. Can you draw the shape of the shell, head, and flippers? It will be super fun! Make the lines all fun and wiggly!
Step 2: Let’s figure out what the Shell is!
Let’s make the shell super duper pretty by adding lots of cool designs and bumpy textures! Sea turtle shells are super cool! They can have lots of different markings, so you can totally let your imagination run wild and get super creative with them!
Step 3: Let’s make the head of the sea turtle look super cool! Can you please draw the eyes? They’re usually big and have a special shape! Let’s put on the nostrils and the beak!
Step 4: Now it’s time to draw the flippers!
Yay, let’s draw the flippers now! Hey there, let’s look at how things are different sizes and shapes! The front flippers are super big and look like paddles, while the back flippers are smaller and all curvy.
Step 5: Let’s draw the tail!
Can you please draw the tail? It’s usually really long and pointy at the end! It helps the sea turtle swim and stay balanced in the water.
Step 6: Make it super duper pretty with lots and lots of little things!
Ooh, let’s take a closer look at your drawing and add some super cool details! Let’s make the head and flippers super cool with some scales! And how about we add some fun, wiggly patterns to the shell?
Step 7: Let’s make it even more magical by adding shadows and highlights!
To make your sea turtle drawing look super cool, just add some shadows and highlights! Pretend you have a special light and color the parts that aren’t very bright.
Step 8: Make it even better and super duper perfect!
Let’s take a look at your drawing and make it even better! Make sure the sizes are right and that the picture looks good.

Hey there, kiddo! I’ve got some super cool tips for you on how to capture the awesomeness of sea turtles. Check out these reference images: Look at really cool pictures of sea turtles to see how they look, their cool designs, and all the pretty colors they have!
Being patient is super duper important! It’s like having a special key that helps you unlock all sorts of amazing things. So remember, when things get tough or you have to Take your sweet time with each step, like a turtle! Sea turtles are super cool! They have lots of fancy details that you have to be really patient to draw just right.
Let’s have fun playing with textures! Try using different techniques to make the shell, skin, and flippers feel super cool and interesting.
Let’s learn about sea turtle bodies! Knowing how they’re built will help you draw them super well and make them look real!
And so, to sum it all up
Drawing a super cool sea turtle can be so much fun for artists of all ages! If you want to make a super cool sea turtle drawing, just follow these easy-peasy steps and remember to look at all the little things. That way, you can make your picture look just like the real deal and show off how awesome sea turtles are!
The lesson on how to draw a mountain goes over everything in great depth, starting with simple shapes and working up to more complicated ones like coloring and texture. It focuses on using different methods to capture the natural look of mountains. Anyone who wants to learn how to be an artist can use this help.