Your Privacy Matters to Us!

Hi there! We’re so happy you’re here to learn and draw with us. We want you and your parents or guardians to know that we take your privacy very seriously. This page explains how we handle your personal information and what we do to keep it safe.

What Information We Collect

  • Information You Provide: If you sign up for our newsletter or contact us, we might ask for a little information like your name and email address. This helps us send you updates and respond to your questions.
  • Usage Data: We might collect information about how you use our website, like which pages you visit and how long you stay on them. This helps us make the website better and more fun for everyone!

How We Use Your Information?

  • To Improve the Website: We use the information to make our website even more awesome! Knowing what you like helps us create more fun content and activities.
  • To Communicate with You: If you or your parents sign up for our newsletter, we’ll use your email to send you cool updates, new drawing ideas, and tips. You can always unsubscribe if you change your mind.
  • To Keep Things Safe: We may use information to keep the website safe and make sure everyone is having a positive experience.

Sharing Your Information

  • With Parents or Guardians: We encourage kids to share this website with their parents or guardians. If you sign up or interact with us, we might communicate with your parent or guardian to keep everyone informed.
  • With Service Providers: Sometimes we use other companies to help us run the website, like sending emails. These companies only use your information to help us and must keep it safe.
  • We Don’t Sell Your Information: Your information is yours, and we will never sell it to anyone.

Cookies and Tracking

  • What Are Cookies? Cookies are little files that help us know who’s visiting our website. They don’t tell us who you are, but they do help us understand how you use the site so we can improve it.
  • How We Use Cookies: We use cookies to make your experience better, like remembering your favorite pages or making the website load faster.
  • You Can Turn Cookies Off: If you don’t want us to use cookies, you can turn them off in your browser settings. Just ask a grown-up for help!

Protecting Your Information

  • Keeping It Secure: We use special tools and techniques to protect your information. This means only people who are supposed to see it can see it.
  • Parental Guidance: We encourage parents and guardians to monitor their children’s activities online and to talk to them about how to stay safe on the internet.

Your Choices

  • Ask Us to Change or Delete Your Information: If you or your parents want to update or delete any information you’ve shared with us, just let us know! We’ll be happy to help.
  • Unsubscribe Anytime: If you no longer want to receive our newsletter or emails, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the email.

Changes to This Policy

We might update this policy from time to time to make sure it stays clear and up-to-date. If we make big changes, we’ll let you know by posting an update on our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or anything else, you can contact us anytime. We’re here to help!