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How to draw 3d shape

Drawing is super cool! It lets us make awesome pictures that look real, even though they’re flat! Drawing is super cool because you can make things look like they’re popping out of the paper! It’s like magic! In this super fun guide, we’re going to explore the amazing world of drawing 3D shapes! We’ll learn all about the cool tricks that artists use to turn plain old paper into a magical land of depth and dimension. Get ready for an awesome adventure!

How to draw 3d shape

Understanding Perspective: The Foundation of 3D Drawing

Let’s learn about Perspective: The Super Important Thing for 3D Drawing!

Drawing 3D shapes is super cool! It’s all about something called perspective. Perspective is like when things look smaller the farther away they are! To make this cool trick, artists use two special techniques: one-point perspective and two-point perspective.

One-Point Perspective

One-point perspective is when you draw something using just one special point where everything disappears. This trick is usually used for things we see straight in front of us. Okay, let’s start by drawing a straight line across the paper. This will be our horizon line, like the line where the sky meets the ground. Then, let’s pick a spot on the horizon line and draw a little dot. This dot is our magical vanishing point, where everything will disappear into. Lines that go bye-bye from your eyes and meet at the special point make things look super deep and 3D!

Two-Point Perspective

When you look at things from a funny angle, two-point perspective is super important. This cool trick uses two special points that disappear on the line where the sky meets the ground. When you draw lines from the object to these points, it makes everything look super real and like it’s coming right at you!

Creating the Illusion with Shading and Lighting

Let’s make things look super cool with shading and lighting!

Shading and lighting are super important for making 3D shapes look real! If you know how light plays with things, you can make cool bright spots, dark shadows, and pretty colour blends that make stuff look super deep!


Yay, highlights are like the super bright spots on something when a light shines on it! So cool! Wow, look at these super bright spots! They make the object stand out even more and show off its cool shape and curves.


Shadows are super cool! They make things look 3D and give them shape. Shadows can change their size and darkness depending on how the light shines! If you watch how light and shadow play together, your drawings will look more real and have more depth!

Gradation and Blending

Gradation is when colours go from light to dark in a smooth way, making a nice change in how bright or dark they are. Using different ways to draw, like making lots of lines close together (hatching), crossing lines (cross-hatching), or making little dots (stippling), can help make a picture look 3D. It’s like magic!

The Magic of Contouring

Let’s talk about the super cool thing called contouring! It’s like magic for your face!

Contouring is like drawing lines to make something look 3D and cool! It helps show the shape and curves of an object. By changing how thick and strong these lines are, you can show how things look far away or close up! When you draw something, it looks more real if you trace the edges and think about where the light is coming from. That way, you can make shadows and make it look super cool!

Advanced Techniques: Reflections and Refraction

Super Cool Tricks: Mirrors and Bending Light

If you want to make your 3D shapes super cool and fancy, you can add reflections and refractions! It will make your drawings look even more amazing! Reflective surfaces are super cool because they can show you a mirror image of everything around them! It’s like having a little copy of the world right on the surface of an object. Refraction is when light goes through see-through things and makes the background look all wiggly.

Practice Makes Perfect: Exercises to Hone Your Skills

Let’s have fun practising to get better at things! These exercises will help us sharpen our skills!

Drawing 3D shapes is super fun! You just need to practise and be patient. Here are some super fun exercises to help you get even better at your skills:

Basic Shapes

Let’s have fun drawing easy 3D shapes like cubes, spheres, and cylinders! Yay! Let’s have fun trying out different ways to look at things and colouring techniques!

Complex Objects

Draw super cool things like big vases, tall buildings, or really fancy stuff with lots of different shapes and textures! It’ll be a fun challenge for you!

Still Life

Let’s make a super fun still-life picture! We’re going to gather a bunch of cool things that look different and put them together. It’s going to be so awesome! Let’s have fun practising how to draw things by paying attention to their shapes and how the light and shadow make them look!

Observational Drawing

Let’s draw things we see in real life and see how the light makes them look! Hey there, let’s have some fun with your drawings! Try to make your drawings look super cool by adding light and shadow effects. It’s like making your pictures come to life!

How to draw 3d shape


Drawing 3D shapes is super cool! It’s like making things look real on paper by using special tricks like perspective, shading, lighting, and contouring. You can make things pop out of the page and look so lifelike! If you learn these cool tricks and keep practising, you can open up a whole new world of fun art stuff to do! Whether you’re just starting out or you’re already a super-duper artist, drawing 3D shapes is like a super fun adventure! It’s so cool and exciting, and you’ll never get bored because there’s always something new to discover! Yay! Grab your pencil and get ready for some super fun! Let’s explore the amazing world of depth and dimension together. And guess what? Your art is going to magically come to life right on the page. How cool is that? Let’s get started and have a blast!

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